Site update record
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Guestbook functionality restored using a more modern method. The ability to write new messages to the guestbook and view the guestbook has been restored.
Footer copyright message updated to match the current year.
Several small errors have been corrected and a photograph has been added to one of the the pages for Derek Eustace John Meaker. Further changes have been carried out to update the main Meaker pages from HTML3 to comply with the HTML5 standard (validated by W3C).
NOTE: The site was originally written in HTML3. As time passed standards changed and as pages were added they were written to comply with the latest standards. As a result the style of pages does vary. All new pages will be HTML5 and as pages are re-visited (Meaker for instance) they will be updated. There are too many pages to re-work them all.
Several minor points of details regarding William Peel have been corrected.
A sub-page has been added to the Flt/Lt RDG Wight Wight page and details the events on 11th of August 1940 when twenty-five British pilots lost their lives, the greatest loss of pilots on any day in the Battle of Britain. Sunday 11 August 1940
An Aston Martin 'Ulster' was a car previously owned by two Hurricane pilots that both lost their lives in World War 2.
R.D.G. Wight was one owner and the car is pictured in his section of my Medals section. I have now added a sub-page with details of the other owner, Lancelot Steele Dixon.
Direct link to Aston Martin 'Ulster'
This update marks a change in design philosophy as far as screen resolution is concerned.
Statistics show that only about 1% of users have screen resolutions of less than 1024 pixels. For that reason I have decided to resize pages to better suit higher screen resolutions. In addition to this the new pages will conform to the new HTML5 standard.
Three new pages have been added to the medals section:
Lewis F.A.
Garrett B.H.
Windebank R.P.
Photograph of F.W.Harris added to his page in the Medals section.
His page
One of my TA's was recently photographed to illustrate an article that was to be published in the October edition of the Practical Classics magazine. This page has all the photographs taken during the shoot.
I'm still having trouble with my guestbook. After the last session trying to get help from I decided to go my own way and employ a simple guest book of my own. Well, this is now giveng problems as spammers have found a way to insert dodgy text into my book in an attempt to trick visitors into visiting music download sites. In the short term I will simply delete these attacks as I find them. Eventually I will have to go back to a third party provider that can give spam protextion.
Just recently I have been having a few problems with one of my TA's, Flivver. It is said that problems come in threes, well occasionally they come in fours! Read about it here ... Trials and tribulations
For some time I have been having trouble with my guestbook. As a result I have lost nearly all of the mesages collected over the last few years. This has forced me to abandon specialist guestbook hosting and go my own way. My new guestbook is simple and has one or two little niggles ... but it is mine and I choose what to do with the messages.
What has happened since Rosy passed its MOT last April
The road test ... Again!
Compression, ignition and mixture combined to fire 'Rosy' up for the first time in 38 years!
The road test
Counter and site search facility added using ready-made scripts provided by the hosting site.
The study has moved to a new site at
MG TA Rosy - A few finishing touches
A page, called Air Crew Europe Stars - identifying copies, has been added to help identify the copy Air Crew Europe Stars from the real thing. Thanks to Ian R. Hartley for allowing me to use his text and graphics on my website.
(See the copyright note at the bottom of the new page.)
Tips on identifying fakes and copies
A picture postcard postcard depicting William Peel's Statue in Eden Gardens, Calcutta has been added.
Peel ...
A link has been added at the bottom of the Goodale page in the medals section to an article published in the Village Tribune about Lt W Goodale.
Goodale ...
Christine Jean Muspratt, a member of the International Police Association and the National Association of Retired Police Officers, has been included in the medals section.
Muspratt C.J.
Lieutenant Walter Henry Goodale R.A.F.
After visiting the Goodale family - I have been able to both correct and add to the information on the Goodale medal page.
Goodale ...
Also in the medals section the format of the glossary page has been altered to allow for future expansion.
Home page
A "Browsing tips" link has been added to the home page.
Browsing tips
MG, Flivver section.
MG Car Club of Italy - MG by the Beautiful Blue Danube.
MG, Rosy section.
At long last Rosy's body-work is practically complete,
Rosy bodywork - part 4
Medals section.
Thanks to the power of the internet at last I have found a relative of Allan John Lanman ...
or perhaps it would be more accurate to say he found me!
Read about his nephew
Robert Lanman Mitchell
A new link has been added to the page for Captain T. Henderson in the Hejaz section.
On the linked page is a personal account entitled "Indian and Middle East Narrative" by Captain Henderson of his time in India and Mesopotamia in 1919-1920.
The Henderson page.
A new link has been added to the page for RDG Wight in the medals section.
On the linked page are pictures of the Aston Martin once owned by RDG Wight.
The Wight page.
The menu structure of the site has been re-worked in order to eliminate circular indexing of pages.
This is been done to reduce the possibility of the Google web-bot getting lost when spidering the site.
Also, the Study (unofficial) sitemap has been tagged for web-bots not to index or follow links from that page and instead a properly structured sitemap in xml format has been produced for web-bots to follow.
Today is Rosy's 70th Build day. She looks good in her new sexy pink undercoat ..... well, what else would you give a lady on her 70th build day?
See for yourself ... Rosy
MG section. Two pages describing work carried out on Rosy's body have been added.
See Bodywork links on Rosy's page.
A new page added to the Medals section (broken groups) ....
56922 Sergeant James Craig (Knight) Forbes
Visit his page ...
A new page added to the Medals section (full groups) ....
Lieutenant Richard Inger Mozley,
3rd Battalion York and Lancaster Regiment, Attached 36th Battalion Machine Gun Corps (Infantry)
Visit his page ...
The Hejaz railway station map has been updated to make the station names "clickable". It is now possible to view pictures of stations directly by clicking the map.
A search facility has been added to the homepage which allows searches to be performed for keywords within the Study site.
Thanks to Peter Helmore for pointing out one or two small errors and omissions on the "tips" and "glossary" pages.
A new sub-menu called Locomotives has been added to the Hejas Railway menu page.
This sub-menu currently includes two locomotives that ran on the Hejaz railway.
Railway page.
Change to the MG section.
The MG Car Club of Berlin 9th International Rally
My story and a few photographs of our recent Visit to added to the Flivver page.
Some structural modifications to the Hejaz section of the site have been made.
These allow for future expansion of the Railway section.
The expansion has begun with the addition of four photographs of the Bir Nasif station.