As my parents were still living in Birmingham at the time, on one of my visits there I called round at the address in the Bearwood area to see if the house address was still there, yes it was! So out of curiosity I knocked on the door to see if they remembered the Bennett family? They did not but suggested the family next door, so I tried them and yes they remembered the Bennett family in fact he knew there was a niece and he would look up her 'phone number, which he did.
In the meantime I had looked into the background of W A Bennett and knew some of his history, so when I phoned his niece and she invited my wife and I over to visit her I could tell her where and how I had obtained her uncle's medals. When we visited her on the hall table was the exact framed photograph of Bennett that I got when I purchased his medals. I then told her how the medals came on the market, when Bennett died everything was left to his wife, when she died as they had no children everything was left to her sister and husband. As they had no children to pass them on to they offered them to the RAF Museum. The Museum were delighted as the paperwork included everything connected with his time in the forces - log book, pay-book, training notes, transfer papers, etc.
A W Bennett
14/15star, War and Victory medals